Ozzy World King*RU

* 27. 3. 2013
Black silver classic tabby bicolor

Pedigree: https://www.pawpeds.com/db/?a=p&v=fi&id=1213303&g=4&p=mco&o=ajgrep
Tests: HCM, SMA gen. test N/N, PK-Def. - heterozygous, FiV, FeLV - negativ

ES* Omkara Joshua Baby Hawk PP (polydactil)

* 13. 2. 2020
Brown (black) classic tabby with white

I am forever greatful to my dearest friend and soulmate Pilar for entrusting me with such a treasure I have been dreaming for many many years. Love you my dear friend ♥

Tests: will follow

Lee Roy El Felina Mondo*CZ

* 3. 5. 2020
Tests: will follow



16.09.2014 11:03

14. 9. 2014 nás po náhlé a těžké nemoci opustila naše Majdulka. Majdulka byla oslabená porodem a péčí o miminka a nezvládla se s nemocí poprat. Moc nám chybí a bude navždy v našich srdcích. Bolí to :-(

On 14th September our sweet Martha left. She died because of fast and hard illness while she was weak after babie´s care. We miss her so much, it hurts.

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